Saturday, January 22, 2022


 The third week also went in a busy manner.  Due to increasing no. of Covid Cases, the classes were arranged in both offline and Online mode.

It was my first experience in taking classes in Online mode. As expected the responses from online classes were very low. Network and technical issues also created interruptions in-between the classes. With these drawbacks I felt little difficult with online mode rather than offline sessions.

This week gave me the opportunity for taking Yoga, Conscientization and Physical Education Classes. This time I got an unexpected chance to take the classes in 8th Standard along with my Higher Secondary Classes. 

I took Halasana as a part of the yoga class. Covered the topic, "Vitamin Deficiency and related Diseases" in Physical Education and "Road Safety and related Issues" was taken as a part of conscientization class. An appreciable interest was shown among the children in attending the classes.

By the end of this week classes upto High School were entirely turned to be in Online Mode as per Govt instructions.

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