Friday, August 12, 2022


Sixth week of school internship phase two was started. As some holidays was there in the last week, there was little tight time to complete the balance portions. So, I used all the periods effectively to complete the portions.

DAY 1 (08/08/2022, Monday) 

Today I got a chance of taking class on conscientization in high school. I took the topic "CHILD RIGHTS". No students had any prior knowledge about the topic. I conveyed the information through power point presentation. It was a different experience for me. All of them were very excited to know about the child rights. Their responses during the class were much better than my expectation level.

DAY 2 (10/08/2022, Wednesday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. The subject teacher allotted me the periods. I took the class on " Training and Development". Video presentation, power point presentation, group discussion and graphic organizer was used while teaching. As it was first period students were active throughout the class. 

In the period at afternoon session, I took on "Training Methods". General discussion, illustrated examples, group discussion, presented power point slides and presented word puzzle at the end of the class

DAY 3 (11/08/2022, Thursday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. In the morning session I took the class on " Directing" After the friendly talk I provided a situation to discuss generally in the class to start the topic. I used power point slides, group discussion and graphic organizer for completing the topic. Then on the next period I took class on "Principles of Directing". Also, I have managed to give proper notes along with the class.

DAY 4 (12/08/2022, Friday)

As usual reached the school by 9.00 am. Today I took the class on "Supervision" and also checked their notebooks as per the instructions by the subject teacher. Number of students were less in the class due to the NSS camp organized in the school. In the afternoon session the inauguration function of NSS camp and related programs were there.

Today a program named "Nammal Thulyar" was conducted in the school with the cooperation of Chathanoor Panchayat. The program aimed at educating all the students from high school to higher secondary on Article 14 of Indian constitution.



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