Friday, July 29, 2022


Fourth week of school internship phase two was started. In this week also I got much more substitution periods. 

DAY 1 (25/07/2022, Monday)

Today I reached the school by 9.00 am. No period was allotted today due to the plus one improvement exam which was held in the school. So, the day was not much busy for me. I worked on my next lesson plans and prepared some notes for the students.


DAY 2 (26/07/2022, Tuesday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. The subject teacher allotted me the periods. I took the class on " Taylors scientific management". Buzz session, power point presentation, group discussion and graphic organizer was used while teaching. All the students were very actively listened in the class.
In the period at afternoon session, I took on "Techniques of scientific management". Students were little lazy at this period so in between the lecture I made them do some simple standing exercises so that they can feel fresh throughout the class.


DAY 3 (27/07/2022, Wednesday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. The subject teacher allotted me the periods. As I got two periods, I took the class on " Fayol's principles of management" as two parts. At the first session I had a visit by the teacher from my college. I used image presentation general discussion, power point slides, group discussion and graphic organizer for taking the class.

DAY 4 (28/07/2022, Thursday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. In the morning session I took a class on the difference between Fayol's and Taylors contributions on management. I used Advance organizer Model for transacting the topic. As in this period I completed the second chapter I asked for the reviews from the student's side. In the second period I have started the next chapter "Staffing". Today was busy day as I got one more period to complete the notes of the second chapter.


DAY 5 (29/07/2022, Friday)

I reached the school by 9.00 am. Today took the class on " Staffing Process and Recruitment" in two periods. I used video presentation, general discussion, group discussion and power point slides for the teaching. The class was overall good. All the students’ attitudes towards reading were increased through using PowerPoint Presentation.

    Overall, this week went so busy, as I completed number of lessons plans and also given them the notes    

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