Conscientization or 'critical consciousness' is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educational theorist Paulo Freire. Critical consciousness focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of the world, allowing for the perception and exposure of social and political contradictions. It also includes taking action against the oppressive elements in one's life that are illuminated by that understanding. The term was popularized by Paulo Freire in his 1970 work Pedagogy of the oppressed.
As part of 2-year B. Ed course, a conscientization programme on CHILD RIGHTS was conducted in the school during our teaching practice. Child rights are specialized human rights that apply to all human being below the age of 18. Children are the future of our country. However, it is the fact that they are the most vulnerable people and are subjected to abuse and neglect. Universally, childhood is recognized as a period of sensitivity requiring special care, attention and protection. Every child has a right to lead a decent life. However, the status of children is in an unfair condition all over the world and thus it is important for children to know about their rights.
According to Mikhail Bakunin,

I decided to select this topic since I wanted to make the children aware about the child rights and its importance.
Enable the students to be:
1.Aware about child right and its importance.
2.Aware about the role of UNCRC on child rights.
3.Aware about the practice of child rights.
4.Aware about the status of children in India.
5.Aware about various constitutional provisions, laws, policies and programmes related to child rights.
The awareness programme on "Child Rights" was organized on 08/08/2022. I have selected high school students of GHSS, Chathanoor as participants.
After routine classroom practice and a friendly talk, I used power point presentation to present the topic. First of all, in order to introduce the topic, I had shown some pictures if child right violation, to sensitize the students with the topic.
Responses are elicited about the pictures by asking some questions and students shared their ideas on the pictures. This helped to activate the student's prior knowledge on the topic, and they could easily connect the pictures. Then the title "Child rights" was introduced in the power point slide, then explained about its need through ppt.
I started the session with the introduction, need and then explained the importance of UNCRC and its four classification of child rights. Then I gave the brief idea on the status of children in India and moved on to some important child activist. Next, I introduced various measure provided by India to protect children and their rights such as important policies, legislations, schemes etc.
The awareness programme is a successful one as it gives the desirable result. The topic of the conscientization is appropriate for the audience since they could directly relate themselves with the content.
The asked questions and interactions helped to check the understanding of the students about the concerned topic. It helps not only the teacher but also the students to evaluate themselves on how much that are aware about the 'Child Rights'. Power point presentation was the appropriate material for presenting such a topic. It generates interest and sustains throughout the end of the programme. This helped the teacher to carry out the class without any interruption or undisciplined activities.
It is important to understand that high school students are at an age of understanding their right. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child tells a familiar, and very convincing, story about children, childhood, child development, and human rights. Under the Convention, the child is perceived as a person in the making who should enjoy the maximum available resources in order to develop into a competent adult at the age of 18.
On the whole through this conscientization class I was able to transact the information if child rights to the students at high school.